Our Partners
As part of Rotherham Together Partnership, there are several thematic partnerships through which local organisations are working together every day to improve outcomes for local people. These include:
Health and Wellbeing Board
The board brings together representatives across the health and social care system to improve the health and wellbeing of residents, reduce health inequalities and promote the integration of services.
Strategic Housing Forum
A forum for the council to engage with housing associations and a wide range of other partners on housing issues, sharing good practice and innovation and identifying opportunities for joint working.
Business Growth Board
Led by local businesses, Rotherham Business Growth Board oversees progress in pursuing the borough’s economic priorities – creating jobs, enhancing skills, attracting investment, and improving transport connections and other infrastructure.
Safer Rotherham Partnership
Safer Rotherham Partnership (SRP) develops and implement plans to make Rotherham safer. The new SRP plan for 2022-25 will outline current community safety priorities and describe the joint work that is taking place to address them.
Safeguarding Adults Board
Through the Safeguarding Adults Board, local partners collaborate to protect adults at risk, prevent neglect and abuse, and generally promote the wellbeing of adults in Rotherham.
Safeguarding Children Partnership
Rotherham Safeguarding Children Partnership is responsible for agreeing how services and agencies work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people in Rotherham.
Cultural Partnership Board
Rotherham’s Cultural Partnership Board provides governance and leadership in pursuing Rotherham’s cultural priorities through the development and delivery of the Cultural Strategy.
Children and Young People’s Partnership Board
The Children and Young People’s Partnership Board meet every school term (3 times a year). Children and young people have the opportunity to influence change in the borough.